As a skier or a snowboarder it is your responsibility to observe the code listed below and share with other skiers the responsibility for a great skiing experience.
If you need help understanding the code, please ask an employee.
Smart Style is about all safety and having the knowledge to enjoy your freedom and the freestyle terrain. Park Smart reinforces five important points for the use of freestyle terrain:
If you are just getting into the park for the first time, or first time that day, start with small features and work your way up. If you aren’t sure about how to use a feature, build your skills first. When starting out, look for small progression parks and features and then work your way up to medium or large parks and features. Freestyle Terrain comes in different sizes so make sure and start small and work your way up before going into larger parks.
Every time you use freestyle terrain have a plan for each feature you are going to use. Remember, your speed, approach and take-off will directly affect your maneuver and landing. When first inspecting the jumps consider the following elements of each jump (ATML):
(A) The approach zone is for setting your speed and stance
(T) The Take-off zone is for making moves that start your trick
(M) The Maneuver zone is for controlling your style
(L) The Landing Zone is for getting straight and riding away clean.
Before you drop. Before getting into freestyle terrain observe all signage and warnings. Use your first run as a warm run and to familiarize yourself with the park layout and features. Remember that the features change constantly due to weather, usage and time of day so it is important to continue to inspect features through out the day.
Respect the features and other users. One person on a feature at a time. Wait your turn and call your drop-in. Always clear the landing area quickly. Respect all signs and stay off closed features. Remember that respect is important both in the park, and on the rest of the resort. So be smart when you are heading down the mountain or to the lift and save your best tricks for the park.
Know your limits. Land on your feet. Ride within your ability and consider taking a lesson if you want to build your knowledge, skills, and bag of tricks. Stay in control both on the ground and in the air. Remember you can control how big or small you take the feature by varying speed and take off. Inverted aerials increase the chance of serious injury and are not recommended.
Out of safety concerns for guests, employees, and resort property, as well as concerns for individual privacy, Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park an Mt. Spokane State Park prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public—including recreational users and hobbyists—without the prior written authorization.
This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within Resort boundaries. This prohibition on drone operations or use extends to any drones launched or operated from Resort property, as well as drones launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries. Please contact a resort representative in the Snow Sports Center if you have any questions or if you seek prior authorization to operate any aerial drones. Any authorized operation of aerial drones may be governed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, local law enforcement, and State Park rules, as well as those policies separately established by this Resort, which may include certification, training, insurance coverage, indemnification requirements, and waivers or releases of liability. Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your skiing or snowboarding privileges, or the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscation of any drone equipment, and may subject violators to any damages, including, but not limited to, damages for violations of privacy and/or physical or personal injuries or property damage, as well as regulatory fines and legal fees.
Thank you for contacting Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park
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